Wednesday, February 4, 2009

IRON MAIDEN - Flight 666

Most of you I guess have had this news already, but a documentary about Iron Maiden has been shot during last world Tour, and will be run in different movies worldwide April 21st. Here is the trailer for you:

Note that this movie is not a nonsense mercantile project as it has been driven by the very Metal Observer, Sam Dunn, the very guy who provided us with some Masterpiece documentaries over the last few years: A Headbanger's Journey and Global Metal.

Iron Maiden has had an incredible carrier, which is still not over yet after 30 years, and dozens of classics which I will not mention here!

Still one thing to mention now, visit this webpage if you want to learn more about Iron Maiden carrier, this is the fan Bootleg page of a hardcore Fan, you won't find anything more complete about the band, as far as "on stage area" is concerned: Iron Maiden Commentary.

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